The blog of a travelling psychiatrist and football lover. Who happens to be a halfway decent photographer. Takes a cynical view of the world

Archive for the tag “spring”

Wild Crocus in Garden

This is the time of year when we discover what re-organisation the squirrels have done to the various bulbs and plants in the garden. There are always plenty of wild bluebells, a few daffodils and it seems a number of crocuses. Today the sun was out and the crocus selection looked like it would get trampled by cats, foxes and maybe myself, so a decision was made to bring some indoors.

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Winkworth Arboretum

Winkworth Arboretum is a National trust property about 5 miles from Guildford in a quaint town called Godalming. The most striking thing about Godalming is that the houses are massive and the Waitrose in the centre of town even larger. The impression given is that a huge crater was created into which Waitrose slotted to fill the hole, and the road then re-built to bypass said Waitrose. But I digress. The Arboretum is a decent place to walk but sadly the extensed winter meant that few plants were visible today other than the occasional daffodil or snowdrop. No evidence of the Magnolias coming to life.

The walk is also not an easy one, many steps and slopes means that the walk  might not be suitable for all. Can it be recommended? Maybe. One needs to return when spring has made an appearance to be decisive but I suspect it will become a nice place to walk. The Boathouse, is what it sounds, an old hut by the lake, but with chairs and old books in it gives the impression of a real old room. A sign on the door mentions that the NT have applied for permission essentially to have music and alcohol in here. Sounds good.

Winkworth Arboretum IMG_0144 IMG_0148 IMG_0150 IMG_0154 Winkworth Arboretum

Clacton On Sea

I cannot recall ever have gone here before other than a brief trip 5 years ago but today this was my work trip. Driving into Clacton it strikes you immediately that this is an old persons town. The WestCliff theatre, that sits nowhere near either the west nor a cliff advertises bands such as Hermans Hermits ( whom I thought actually were all dead), and the average age of the street folks is in the 70’s. But it has a nice feel to it. Perhaps surprising is the number of school age children around on a schoolday. Either in the amusement arcades with parents I should add or on the beach. Why are they not at school? Social workers would have a field day here.  The morning weather was not too bad, sunny and cloudy each in turn but in the afternoon the rain just came down. Lunch was taken in a cafe at the end of the pier, which seemed almost a replica of Bourenemouth pier. Very nice sausage and chips, cheap too. The sea was rough but not terribly so, the beach was kind of inviting.

I came away thinking that I could happily cope with a summer day here on the beach and the pier, the cost of buying a wristband for unlimited rides on the pier a mere £14.  I think i like Clacton On Sea. I would really like to get closer to the windfarms, they fascinate me.

I have called this photo the Black Sea


And why not at school?


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