The blog of a travelling psychiatrist and football lover. Who happens to be a halfway decent photographer. Takes a cynical view of the world

Archive for the tag “gardens”

Unusual Sculptures from United Kingdom

Wisley RHS sculpture exhibition

Wisley RHS sculpture exhibition

Wisley RHS sculpture exhibition

Wisley RHS sculpture exhibition

Wisley RHS sculpture exhibition

Wisley RHS sculpture exhibition

Wisley RHS sculpture exhibition

Wisley RHS sculpture exhibition

Sculpture in Edinburgh. Princes Street

Sculpture in Edinburgh. Princes Street

Experimental Fruit Crops Wisley RHS Gardens

While Wisley was taking shape as a garden, its educational and scientific roles were never forgotten. A small laboratory was opened and the School of Horticulture founded to instruct young people in the principles of horticulture and prepare them for careers as professional gardeners. Following the move to Wisley the trials of flowers, vegetables and fruit – an important part of the Society’s work since 1860 – were resumed and expanded. The trials ‘epitomise the Society’s endeavour to show to the public the best kinds of plants to grow’ and remain one of the principal objects of the garden.

A large part of the fields further back at Wisley are devoted to a series of experimental fruit trees and bushes. Many different types of apples can be found there. The Fruit field, features large numbers of apples, pears and other fruit grown in various forms.


Wisley Sculpture

Wisley Sculpture

Wisley Sculpture

Wisley Sculpture

Wisley Sculpture

Wisley Sculpture

Wisley Sculpture

Wisley Sculpture

Experimental Fruit Trees Wisley

Experimental Fruit Trees Wisley

Experimental Fruit Trees Wisley

Experimental Fruit Trees Wisley

Winkworth Arboretum

Winkworth Arboretum is a National trust property about 5 miles from Guildford in a quaint town called Godalming. The most striking thing about Godalming is that the houses are massive and the Waitrose in the centre of town even larger. The impression given is that a huge crater was created into which Waitrose slotted to fill the hole, and the road then re-built to bypass said Waitrose. But I digress. The Arboretum is a decent place to walk but sadly the extensed winter meant that few plants were visible today other than the occasional daffodil or snowdrop. No evidence of the Magnolias coming to life.

The walk is also not an easy one, many steps and slopes means that the walk  might not be suitable for all. Can it be recommended? Maybe. One needs to return when spring has made an appearance to be decisive but I suspect it will become a nice place to walk. The Boathouse, is what it sounds, an old hut by the lake, but with chairs and old books in it gives the impression of a real old room. A sign on the door mentions that the NT have applied for permission essentially to have music and alcohol in here. Sounds good.

Winkworth Arboretum IMG_0144 IMG_0148 IMG_0150 IMG_0154 Winkworth Arboretum

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