The blog of a travelling psychiatrist and football lover. Who happens to be a halfway decent photographer. Takes a cynical view of the world

Archive for the tag “cats”

The Academic Cat Continues Her Research

Knowledge is a CATalyst to further development and lack of knowledge is CATastrophic. We are all guilty of not providing further education for our CATs. And before we go on I might mention that there are 347 words all starting with CAT, so this might be a long post. You may need to apply a CATaplasm to your forehead to cool down as something might be happening to your CATabolism.

I have been luck enough to watch this clever CAT, CATapult itself into learning and to CATch it doing reading, homework and revision . So left to its own devices, what does a cat like to read? The Russian Civil War is certainly a good read, and indeed the CAT spent a good hour sprawled out investigating this topic.

image1This however was not enough and she began to enjoy reading plays, the one that caught her eye was The Secret Rapture by David Hare.

Revising The Secret RaptureThis maybe showed that she was playing CATchup with her knowledge of theatre and last night was caught reading notes on Warhorse. And we have good reason to suspect that she is considering GCSE Drama in her later years. Drama clearly provides a CAThartic experience.

Revising The Secret Rapture StillIMG_1520

Auditions for Cumberleylaude. The Gourmet Cat TS Eliot Lost Poem

Cumberleylaude, a ‘gourmet cat’ with a love of fine dining, could join stage show CATS after discovery of lost TS Eliot poem.So what will he/she look like? Here is the first audition. A cat seemingly with an unhealthy interest in an almond croissant.

Cumberleylaude, a 'gourmet cat' with a love of fine dining, could join stage show after discovery of lost TS Eliot poem.

Cumberleylaude, a ‘gourmet cat’ with a love of fine dining, could join stage show after discovery of lost TS Eliot poem.

Dignity given to the Dead Bird

The Dignified Dead Bird Copyright Chris Bushe

The Dignified Dead Bird
Copyright Chris Bushe

The Dignified Dead Bird Copyright Chris Bushe

The Dignified Dead Bird
Copyright Chris Bushe

The Dignified Dead Bird Copyright Chris Bushe

The Dignified Dead Bird
Copyright Chris Bushe

The Dignified Dead Bird Copyright Chris Bushe

The Dignified Dead Bird
Copyright Chris Bushe

The Dignified Dead Bird Copyright Chris Bushe

The Dignified Dead Bird
Copyright Chris Bushe

Poppies in the garden

One of the more hateful denizens of our garden, squirrels are the chief suspect, seems to have knocked down one of the growing poppies. Resultingly this humble little angiosperm had to be taken inside to be cared for upon which two large petals fell off. Cue time to get the Macro lens and get some spontaneous poppy photos. Enjoy.





poppy having a drink

poppy having a drink



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Cats in strange places

Cats will never get into containers like travelling baskets, when needed, but always will get into boxes, bags and in fact anything. why?Image

Would you eat Turtle Burgers? Would you eat me?

IMG_5460IMG_5459TurtleResults of an online poll in a great website–Few-eat-turtle-frequently/

Tell us that only 9% of the Grand Cayman population eat Turtle frequently, which is actually 9% too many and 5.6% used to eat Turtle but no longer do so. The debate is complex as the article says. For me however having swum with the turtles it a cruel and obscene idea to eat these beautiful creatures. Here you can see some photos I took last year at the turtle farm.

In the UK and EU we are just starting to get used to the idea that horse meat, presumably from old and debilitated horses, has ended up in burgers, lasagnes and other minced beef products. Turtles do not fall into this category and despite the argument that it is a tradition to eat Turtle we should recall that it has also been a tradition to murder witches and hang/draw/quarter criminals and innocent. They are an endangered species and we should no more eat them than eat next door’s pet cat, dog or horse.


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