The blog of a travelling psychiatrist and football lover. Who happens to be a halfway decent photographer. Takes a cynical view of the world

Archive for the tag “peterborough”

Graffiti Art in Peterborough

Tunnel near football ground


Peterborough Football Ground. What away fans need to know.

All the folks I met today were friendly decent folks however that will not stop me from making a few observations

  1. Entrance price of £28 for a league 1 game is extortionate. I cannot recall a higher price for a game. Admittedly buying before the game reduced the price to the miserly sum of £25.
  2. Wooden seats in an end of old main stand giving a less than perfect view.
  3. Three sided grounds lack atmosphere. This is not the fault of the club but maybe accounts partially for their team’s miserable performance.
  4. There is a direct tunnel from the car park to the ground. An excellent state of affairs. Some interesting clothing items and graffiti were there to entertain us.
  5. Why does Bob the Builder need to wear a hard hat to collect footballs?
  6. Why do the catering staff in what can only be described as the smallest cafe/catering outlet in the football league, need to be told that the tap from which they dispense hot water does not actually dispense sauce?



Peterborough- Is this Narnia?

I have nothing against Peterborough and indeed the people I met today at the football ground were pleasant and normal.  However it was a little like arriving in a parallel universe.  This is more easily explained using photographic evidence to support my case.

  1. In a short under the road tunnel connecting the car park to the football ground there was quite interesting graffiti but also what seemed like a perfectly good duvet, a suitcase and other bags. Almost like someone had left these items for collection. The presumption is a tramp but the quality of the items are better than some of my possessions at home
  2. The advert for Vista homes makes an interesting point but is sited very close to the underground tunnel and suggests that the tunnel is the place to live. In fact it states ” A brand new way of living that sets the benchmark for future housing”. In tunnels maybe?
  3. In the small catering outlet in the football ground two gentlemen serving food and drinks were pouring their hot water from a tap. Clearly they could be absent minded as there was a piece of paper attached stating ” Hot water not sauce”……..
  4. Wooden seats to sit on that reminded me of outside toilets at my grandparents house around 50 years ago.
  5. Bob the builder standing on the mud pile where the old terracing was sited complete with builders hat. His role to collect the stray footballs that were ventured over.

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Pay what you want to watch Brentford v Stevenage. 22nd Dec.

Strange but true. Brentford ask a minimum of 1£ only but you can choose what to pay if you buy your ticket beforehand up until 4 pm friday evening. Why are they doing this? Perfect sense. They have around 2000 season ticket holders, who do not begrudge them doing this at all, and will make it up to their season ticket holders later in the season with some offer one suspects. So 2000 have already paid. The expected crowd for a home game the saturday before Xmas is never high, maybe 5000 maximum and possibly lower. Stevenage will not bring armies of fans and most likely will bring around 200-300 only. Folks will not pay 1£, they are likely to choose to pay a median amount of between 5-10£ in my opinion.

So a good PR activity, a good day out. Lets hope this works. A few years ago a home game versus Peterborough was sponsored by a company (maybe St George Homes?), and they essentially made it free to get in. Result, great crowd,great atmosphere and home win! So spread the word and call Brentford to buy your tickets over the phone or online. Lets fill the ground. Already two sides have sold out, so don’t delay.

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