The blog of a travelling psychiatrist and football lover. Who happens to be a halfway decent photographer. Takes a cynical view of the world

Archive for the tag “slovenia graffiti”

Street Art In Ljubljana. An Exciting City

Ljubljana is Slovenia’s capital and largest city. It’s known for its university population and green spaces, including expansive Tivoli Park. The curving Ljubljanica River, lined by outdoor cafes, divides the city’s old town from its commercial hub. Ljubljana also has many museums, including the National Museum of Slovenia.

What however is less well known is the street art that covers walls in many parts of the city.  Here is a selection of some of the variety you can see, all from the city centre. Some are works of art whilst some border almost on the graffiti border. Would you want a half eaten fox on the wall of your restaurant?


MLK seems to be wondering which bicycle he might use?


Cannot make up my mind if this half eaten fox is a good thing to see against the wall of a restaurant? 


An unusual mixture of street art to observe whilst drinking coffee or beer


Painted door. I think I like this


A real mixture of street art


I suppose this is street art but some might say just graffiti


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