The blog of a travelling psychiatrist and football lover. Who happens to be a halfway decent photographer. Takes a cynical view of the world

Archive for the day “May 10, 2017”

Stoke Can Be A Laughing Matter

A work day in Stoke. A couple of things to both amuse and notice. Firstly an amusing sign. Ingenuous really. Sherlock Homes! I love it! 

Secondly the old and new contrasts of the University Hospital.  A curious design where old buildings from 1842 have been kept on site and new ones added. The modern design of the new buildings resembles an airport in many ways rather than a hospital. 

All positive features . I do wonder though how the elderly might cope and manage checking themselves in for their outpatients appointment at a terminal? One shocking feature though is the cost of parking.  6.90£ for eight hours. Delight for blue badge, disabled, holders who get a whole extra hour parking on top of what they pay.  Anyways that’s a day in Stoke 

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