The blog of a travelling psychiatrist and football lover. Who happens to be a halfway decent photographer. Takes a cynical view of the world

Archive for the day “January 31, 2014”

Flooding in Wales, Ross on Wye and Chepstow

Recently I was in Chepstow for a few days and got the opportunity to briefly see some of the ravages that the weather had brought to the area. It was raining needless to say. Rivers were high and fast, it was not clear where exactly the boundary of the river had originally been and in some cases new ” rivers” had arrived. In short it was wet. These few photos attempt to capture the wetness. The area itself is rural beauty and no doubt in summer provides beautiful walks. Tintern Abbey sits grey and mysterious. The disused Tintern railway station has been put to good use by turning it into a small kind of feature park for children with trains and an old signal box. Some of the scenes could have come right out of Tom’s Midnight Garden.

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Paintings of Chepstow in Wales by Vincent Van B

Chepstow is a rural area on the edge really of Wales. The signs say Ross on Wye 27 miles. A small town with a large racecourse. As we are all aware recent weather has been wet. Here are a few visions of Chepstow and the surrounding areas in paint style.

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